Google Drive: Security Alert! Google Drive users should be careful, warning issued for users..


If you use Google Drive to keep data secure, your security may be at risk. Google has issued a strict warning for Drive users. Google has received many reports from users stating that malicious links are being sent to their drives.

After this Google also said that Drive users need to be cautious. Because hackers can steal personal information through suspicious links.

Suspicious files coming to users
Giving information on this, Google has said that its Drive users are receiving suspicious links, which can lead to security breaches regarding personal information. We have informed our technical team about this problem. Work is being done to fix this and it will be fixed soon.

Don't make this mistake even by mistake
Along with warning, Google has also given some safety tips to the users. If you come across some such links then you should not make any mistakes.

If you feel that a malicious link has appeared on your drive, do not make the mistake of clicking on it.

If an approval link appears in Google Drive and you click on it, it can become a problem. Therefore, do not do this even by mistake.

Such links should be immediately blocked and reported. Google itself reports some links.

Google said that one should not click on any suspicious document and constantly remain aware of such information.

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