Gram Panchayat Report: Find out how much money the head or sarpanch has invested in development works!


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People living in villages or towns are often not aware of how much money is being allocated for development projects by their village head or council. The budget is allocated in the name of village development and sometimes this money is misused. In such a situation, it is important to know how to find out what work has been done in your village or town and how much money has been spent on it. Today we are giving you the answer to this question so that you will be able to easily find out which projects have been started in your village or town.

Where can you get the report?

Often, villagers complain that their village head has usurped the money allotted for their development without implementing any project. However, people can both identify and complain about it. To know this you will have to visit the e-Gram Swaraj website. Here you will get the option of Planning and Reports. After selecting your state, district, and village name, you will have access to all the data related to your Gram Panchayat.

Complaint filed against village head

By visiting this website you will be able to find out how much money has been spent on development in your area. If money has been misused without getting any development work done, it means that the village head has put the money in his own pocket. In such cases, you can lodge a complaint. To do this, download the Meri Panchayat app and file a complaint against the village head. If the complaint is found true, legal action will be taken against the accused Sarpanch, Chairman or Village Head. You can also check all the work done in your Gram Panchayat by visiting