Hair Care: If you also apply mustard oil to your hair, then know the right way to apply it, hair will grow faster!


PC: abplive

Mustard oil has been used for centuries to strengthen hair. It contains various nourishing ingredients like linoleic acid and oleic acid which act as hair tonics and promote good conditioning of the hair. Additionally, it helps in strengthening the hair roots and reducing hair fall. If you too want to use mustard oil for strong, thick, and soft hair, here are three effective ways to apply it for maximum benefits.

Mustard oil and coconut oil:

Mixing mustard oil and coconut oil and applying it to your hair cools the scalp and maintains moisture in the hair. This mixture contributes to making the hair soft, and supple and aids in growth. To prepare this mixture, take equal amounts of mustard oil and coconut oil, heat them gently, and apply the mixture thoroughly on your hair and scalp. This will increase the strength of the hair follicles and help in preventing hair fall.


Mustard Oil & Aloe Vera Gel:

You can also add mustard oil to aloe vera gel for hair benefits. This mixture adds moisture to your hair, keeping it soft. First of all, take about 4 to 5 tbsp mustard oil and mix it with aloe vera gel. Apply this mixture to your hair and leave it for about an hour before washing it off with a mild shampoo. It not only cools the scalp but also controls hair fall. In addition, it can reduce scalp infections.

PC: be beautiful

Mustard oil and curd:

If you often struggle with scalp infections during the summer season, applying curd mixed with mustard oil can be beneficial. This mixture helps in reducing the symptoms of infection and uses the properties of curd to deal with scalp problems. To make this mixture, take about 4 to 5 tablespoons of mustard oil and mix it with curd. Apply the paste on your hair and scalp and leave it for some time. After this wash your hair with mild shampoo. It not only promotes beautiful and soft hair but also contributes to the overall health of your hair and scalp.