Health: If you are troubled by gas throughout the day then consume these things, the effect will be visible soon!



Nowadays, problems related to acidity and gas are becoming common among people. Acid reflux troubles almost every second person, and only those who have faced it can understand the difficulties it causes. Acid reflux, often thought to be the result of consuming spicy foods, can be incredibly uncomfortable for those affected. Due to acidity, gas is formed in the stomach, which causes symptoms like pain and burning sensation in the stomach or head. In such a situation, it is not right to take gas pills. However many people adopt home remedies to cure it. Like many types of drinks can help you reduce acidity and gas.

Cold Milk:

It is often said that drinking cold milk can provide relief from acidity. However, it is important to note that in cases of acidity, milk should be consumed without any sugar or powder.

Celery water:

Drinking water mixed with celery can provide relief from acidity. Drinking half a teaspoon of carom seeds mixed in a cup of normal water can be beneficial in relieving the problems related to acidity.

pc: Jansatta

Lemon and Baking Soda:

To deal with acidity, a mixture of lemon, black salt and baking soda in water can help reduce the symptoms. Consuming this mixture can provide relief from acidity.


Asafoetida is considered a good option to reduce the effects of acidity. It helps soothe the digestive system. Therefore, drinking water mixed with asafoetida can be beneficial. For people who have acidity problems, adding asafoetida while cooking vegetables can prove helpful.


Buttermilk can be consumed in case of gas-related problems. Drinking buttermilk can provide relief from a burning sensation in the stomach. It is even better if you make buttermilk at home.