Health Tips: After infection, the Covid-19 virus can remain in the sperm for up to 110 days!


Coronavirus In Human Sperm: A shocking claim is being made about coronavirus and sperm, in which it is said that if a man has COVID-19, then this virus will remain present in his sperm for several months after recovery. In such a situation, it is also advised to take a break from having children. Researchers at the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, have shown that SARS-CoV-2, which causes the virus associated with COVID-19, can remain in the sperm of a recovered patient for up to 90 days after discharge from the hospital and up to 110 days after the initial infection.

Do not have children immediately after recovering from Covid

This can hurt semen quality. The findings, published in the journal Andrology, suggest that men planning to have children should go into a "quarantine" period after recovering from COVID-19. Although SARS-CoV-2 has been detected very rarely in sperm by standard PCR tests, the USP study used real-time PCR and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) to detect viral RNA in semen and spermatozoa donated by 13 men aged 21 to 50 who had recovered from mild, moderate, or severe COVID-19.

The virus is present in the sperm of most patients

Notably, the virus was detected in the sperm of 9 out of 13 patients (69.2%), including 8 out of 11 mild to severe cases, up to 90 days after hospital discharge. 2 other patients showed ultra-structural gamete damage similar to that seen in COVID-19 patients, indicating that 11 out of 13 sperms had the virus. The study also revealed a novel finding, spermatozoa produced 'extracellular traps' based on nuclear DNA to neutralize the SARS-CoV-2 pathogen, known as a suicidal ETosis-like response.

These findings reveal a new role for sperm in reproduction, as they were previously known to co-determine fertilization, embryonic development, and some chronic diseases. "The possible implications of our findings should be urgently considered by physicians and regulators regarding the use of sperm in assisted reproduction," said study author George Hallak, a professor at USP's medical school.

'Wait 6 months for reproduction'

Professor Hallak advocates postponing natural conception and artificial insemination for at least six months after SARS-CoV-2 infection, even in mild cases of COVID-19. This recommendation is based on the study findings and the potential risks associated with using virus-containing or poor-quality sperm in reproductive procedures such as ICSI (intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection). As the long-term effects of COVID-19 on male reproductive functions continue to be investigated, this study highlights the importance of exercising caution and considering potential implications for artificial insemination techniques and future fertility.