Health Tips: This grandmother's recipe shows immediate effect... Bajra roti is made quickly and many benefits are available..


Health Benefits Of Bajara Chapati: Millet is very hot in effect. This is the reason why it is advised to eat khichdi and roti in the winter season. Chane ka saag and bajre ki roti is a famous and favourite food of North India for the winter season. In olden times, it was a common practice to make roti made of millet in every household. Although now it is not so. This is the reason why sometimes when you try to make bajra roti, it turns out to be very sloppy. Because we forget the old tricks of making them. Here we are telling you such a recipe of grandmother, through which roti will be ready in a jiffy...

How to make Bajra Roti
Kneading the flour of millet is the most difficult part of making roti. Once the dough is kneaded properly, it becomes easy to make pedals i.e. dough and give the shape of roti to this dough.
If you use cold or fresh water to knead millet flour, then you will face problems. While bajra flour gets kneaded quickly with hot or lukewarm water. That's why always keep in mind that the water has to be heated before kneading the millet flour.
Bajra flour kneaded in hot water binds well and after making the pedal, its chapatti can be made easily.

The right way to eat millet bread
Bajra roti should always be eaten hot and with butter. This is because it becomes dry when it cools down and there is difficulty in chewing it. While eating this roti with butter increases its quality, due to its dryness, it does not get stuck in the throat and it also tastes better when eaten with butter.
Bajra roti is also eaten by applying butter because Bajra is very hot. On eating sometimes there is a problem of constipation. When you eat this roti with butter, the problem of constipation remains away and digestion is also good.
You can eat bajra roti with lentils, vegetables and greens. But eating bajra roti with gram greens has its fun. In Rajasthan, it is very much liked to eat bajra roti with garlic chutney and potato curry in the winter season.