How is promotion done in government jobs? Click to learn the rules!


pc: abplive

Nowadays people are getting more attracted to government jobs instead of private ones. The biggest reason for this is job security. Private jobs often lack job security, whereas government jobs provide lifelong job security. Like any other job, criteria are fixed for promotion in government jobs also. These promotion criteria differ in different departments because different rules and regulations are made for different posts.

Let us understand how promotion happens in government jobs:

Unlike private jobs, in government jobs, promotion is not done based on an annual salary increase. They depend on factors such as a person's behavior and how efficiently he has completed his tasks. Every government employee is required to prepare an Annual Performance Appraisal Report (APAR), which contains the employee's tasks, duties, goals, achievements, and obstacles faced in the work.

This report is submitted to the reporting officer, who evaluates it on a scale of 10. As per the recommendations of the Seventh Pay Commission, employees scoring at least 6 marks out of 10 are considered for promotion.

There could be a delay of up to three years in promotion:

Junior-level officers have to obtain a minimum of 4 marks for promotion. Generally, officers achieve this score easily. Reporting officers often file reports of junior-level officers without commenting. However, if a government employee's annual report contains negative comments by the reporting officer, the promotion of that employee may be delayed by up to three years.