Hug Day 2024: Hug Day is very important for love birds, know interesting things related to it


 Every day of Love Week is very special for couples. In such a situation, couples especially celebrate every day to make their partner feel special. The sixth day of Valentine's Week i.e. 12th February is celebrated as Hug Day. On this day, couples share whatever they cannot express in words with their partners by hugging them. But have you ever wondered what the history behind celebrating this day is?

History of Hug Day

If you love someone and want to express your feelings to him, then you can express your feelings by hugging him. If you want, you can also give them a magic hug. This will make your partner very happy. 12th of February is celebrated as Hug Day all over the world. To engage a friend or partner means to express one's love.

Reason behind celebrating Hug Day

Hug Day is very special for all couples and married couples. When we hug a person, many hormones are released from our body, which is good for us. Our love and trust for our partner, whom we love, increases manifold. 

Hug your loved ones in this way

If you are hugging your partner in a public place, then hug for a few seconds. Apart from this, if you are hugging your partner in a private place, then you can hug for a few minutes. Whereas if you are hugging your special friend, then you can give a magic hug. With this, you can side-hug your female friend. Apart from this, if you want, you can also give a favourite gift to your friend to make him happier. In such a situation, your partner will become even happier.

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