Light designing home decor tips:- Keep these things in mind during lighting design, the house will not look dull and boring


When it comes to home designing, we pay attention to every little detail right from the modular kitchen to the design of the wallpaper. But during this time lighting is often ignored. While lighting affects everything from the look of your home to the mood. There is no doubt that lighting is very important for a home, but even more important is its placement and choosing the right lighting.

The houses where the lighting system is not correct, that house looks extremely dull. At the same time, the mood of the people living there is often very bad. So, today in this article, we are telling you about some such easy tips, which you should keep in mind while getting the lighting done at home.

Try to increase the light source

It is often seen that people become completely dependent on a single lighting source. For example, they get the fitting of lights done on the walls. However, you should try to understand that if your space is bigger then you will need more lighting. So it would be better if you try to increase your light source. For example, you should make the windows of your house bigger, so that natural light can enter your house easily. Apart from this, you should also give space to floor lamps etc. in your house. They make your home many times more beautiful.

Pay attention to light placement

When you are making lighting arrangements in the house, then its placement should also be given due attention. For example, if your lights are hung too low, it will cast a shadow on the furniture on the ground in your dining area. This will make your home look very dull. You should always place the lighting in such a way that the room is well-lit but not too high or too low.

Pay attention to wall colours too

When it comes to lighting in the house, it is not enough to focus only on the lighting, the colours applied on the walls of your house also leave a deep impact. It would be better that you avoid getting black, dark blue and dark brown in your home because these colours make your home look darker and darker. If you want to make your home look more bright, then you should get light colours painted on your wall. This will make you look more beautiful. Apart from the wall colour, you should also keep your furniture light.  

Choosing the wrong lighting

Too much dim lighting can also make your home look dull and boring. Sometimes due to electrical circuit faults, old lighting or problem in the power grid, the lighting in the house is quite dim. Also, sometimes we choose the wrong lights, due to which the house always feels dark. So try to choose such lighting options in your home, which will help your home to appear brighter. To save electricity, you can also consider LED lighting or energy-saving lighting options.

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