Men Skin Care: Rose water is a boon for the face, men should use it like this...


Rose Water Face Mask for Men: Rose water is considered the best recipe for skin care. At the same time, the use of rose water is very beneficial for the skin. In such a situation, if men want, they can take special care of their skin in winter with the help of rose water. Yes, by using rose water in winter skin care, men can not only get rid of dry skin but can also bring a glow to the skin in minutes.

Men's skin also becomes dry and dull in winter. At the same time, expensive skin products also prove to be ineffective on the hard skin of men. In such a situation, the use of rose water can be best for men. So let's know about the use of rose water in men's skincare and some of its benefits.

Direct apply rose water
The use of rose water acts as a natural cleanser, toner, and moisturizer for the face. In such a situation, to keep the skin soft, men can apply rose water directly on the face. For this, clean the face with a facial cleanser. Now apply rose water on the face with the help of cotton and after drying apply moisturizer on the face. You can try this recipe twice a day for better results.

Rose water and glycerin face mask
To get rid of dry skin in winter, you can apply a face mask of rose water and glycerin. For this, mix 3 spoons of glycerin and 1 spoon of lemon juice in 3 spoons of rose water and apply it on the face. Now massage the face with light hands for 2 minutes. This will make your face look soft and moisturized.

Rose water and multani mitti face mask
To make a face mask of rose water and multani mitti, mix 1 teaspoon of milk and 1 teaspoon of rose water in 2 teaspoons of multani mitti and apply it on the face. Now after 20 minutes wash the face with cold water. Applying this mask 1-2 times a week will remove excess oil and dead skin cells from the face. Due to this, your face will become soft and shiny.

Rose water and sandalwood face mask
To try the face mask of rose water and sandalwood, mix half a teaspoon of coconut oil, half a teaspoon of almond oil, and 1 teaspoon of rose water in 1 teaspoon of sandalwood powder. Now apply this paste on the face and after 20 minutes wash the face with cold water. With this, the moisture of your face will remain intact and the face will appear glowing even in winter.