Miscarriage Reason: What is the reason for miscarriage? If you are planning a family then definitely read this news!


PC: Navbharat Times

Becoming a parent is one of the most beautiful moments and happiest feelings in the world. There is no greater happiness in the world than becoming a mother, but during this 9-month journey of motherhood, pregnant women have many fears regarding pregnancy, out of which the fear of miscarriage is the biggest. Miscarriage in early pregnancy is very common, but it is a painful experience. Therefore, special caution should be taken in the initial stages. According to reports, about 10 to 25 percent of women go through this. A woman facing a miscarriage is definitely in shock. Depression may dominate for some time. These are difficult times. In such a situation, today we will talk about why abortion occurs, what are its symptoms, and how to avoid it.

Abortion due to miscarriage

before 20 weeks of pregnancy is called miscarriage or abortion. In simple words, when the child cannot survive in the womb, it is called abortion. According to health reports, most cases of miscarriage are caused by abnormal chromosomes in the fetus. Apart from this, lack of blood and nutrients in the fetus, weak uterus, infection, sexually transmitted diseases, and PCOS can also cause miscarriage.

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Increasing age can be a reason.

Increasing age can be the biggest cause of miscarriage in women. Most cases of miscarriage occur in women above 40 years of age. By the age of 30, one out of 10 women will have a miscarriage, while by the age of 45, 5 out of 10 women will have to face this problem.

Consumption of painkillers: Frequent consumption of painkillers during pregnancy can be harmful. This affects the development of the fetus, leading to miscarriage.

Hormone deficiency: It is necessary for hormones to be balanced for the development of the child in the womb. Sometimes miscarriage can occur due to hormonal imbalance. Women who suffer from PCOD or PCOS are at higher risk.

PC: Today


Bleeding or spotting is normal in the third month of pregnancy, but if it persists for a long time, consult a doctor.

Pain or cramps in the lower abdomen and lasting for a long time are signs of miscarriage.

A fluid-like discharge from the private area, oozing tissue, or blood clots can also be a warning.

Take care like this

  • Stay mentally and physically fit before pregnancy.
  • Do not smoke, drink alcohol, or consume any drugs during pregnancy.
  • Do not take any medicine during pregnancy without a doctor's advice.
  • If you are suffering from diabetes, BP, or thyroid problems then take special care of yourself during pregnancy.
  • Be sure to take vitamins and folic acid medicines for fetal development, they also give you strength.
  • If you have had a miscarriage, try to conceive again only after consulting your gynecologist.