Monsoon 2024 Date: Big update received from satellite photos!


Monsoon 2024 Date: The heat is increasing in most areas of the country. As the day progresses, fire is raining from the sky. In Odisha, the temperature has been recorded above 40 degrees Celsius for the last 17 days. Odisha has been experiencing such extreme heat since 1969. Due to the scorching heat, it has become difficult for people to come out of the house. But the India Meteorological Department has given relief news. IMD has predicted that the monsoon will reach Kerala by May 31.

Monsoon will reach Kerala around May 31

The southwest monsoon is expected to reach Kerala around May 31. India Meteorological Department (IMD) gave this information on Wednesday. IMD said that this year, the southwest monsoon is expected to reach Kerala on May 31. IMD Director General Mrityunjay Mahapatra said on Wednesday, 'It is not early. This is close to the normal date because the normal date of onset of monsoon in Kerala is June 1.

what did I say

Last month, the IMD had predicted above-normal rainfall during the southwest monsoon season that runs from June to September. June and July are considered the most important monsoon months for agriculture as most of the sowing of Kharif crops takes place during this period.

Big update received from satellite photos

Earlier this week, the IMD had said that the monsoon is expected to advance over the South Andaman Sea, Nicobar Islands, and parts of the Bay of Bengal around May 19. Which is about two days ahead of the normal date for this region. Satellite images of the last few days have shown that groups of clouds are reorganizing themselves over the equator.

When did the monsoon arrive in May?

This cloud band is called the Inter Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ), which is important for bringing rain to the country. During the southwest monsoon season, the ITCZ ​​shifts north or south along India and influences the rain-bringing winds over the country. In the last decade, the actual onset of monsoon in Kerala was in May 2017, 2018 and 2022.