Night Shift Job: Night job is dangerous for health, may increase the risk of obesity and diabetes!


If you work in night shift then this news is important for you. A recent study has found that working night shifts can increase the risk of obesity and diabetes.

If you work in night shift then this news is important for you. A recent study has found that working night shifts can increase the risk of obesity and diabetes. This study conducted by scientists from Washington State University and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory shows that working night shifts for even a few days disturbs the protein levels in the body, which has a direct impact on blood sugar levels and body energy. Affects consumption.

During the study, the researchers kept the volunteers in a controlled environment and asked them to work night shifts for a few days and day shifts for a few days. After this, his blood vessels were analyzed. The analysis found that working in night shifts affects the levels of certain proteins in the body that play an important role in controlling blood sugar levels and energy metabolism.

Problem with biological clock:

Professor Hans van Dongen, senior author of the study, says that the main biological clock (master clock) present in our brain controls the day-night cycle. Other parts of the body also have their internal clocks. When these internal clocks get disturbed due to working at night, a state of constant stress is created in the body. This stress can, in the long run, cause diseases like obesity and diabetes.

More research needed

However, more research is needed to understand how long after night shifts these risks begin to increase and what measures can be taken to reduce these risks. But this study is a warning sign for those working night shifts. If you also work in night shift, then take special care of your health. Try to keep your sleeping time as regular as possible and also pay attention to your diet. Also, keep getting regular checkups done by the doctor.