Offbeat: Here children become trees after death, and stay with their parents for their whole life!


PC: lokmat.news18

When a person dies, he is either cremated or buried. So the dead body of the person becomes ashes or mud. But you will be surprised to know a place where trees grow after the death of a child. 

This is the strange mystery behind the death of children in Tana Taroja, Indonesia. The reason behind this is a strange tradition or custom here.

PC: lokmat.news18

Here a normal funeral is performed for the death of an adult, but the death of a child is linked to nature. So when a child dies, his body is buried in the root of the tree. Slowly he becomes a part of this tree.

PC: lokmat.news18

By doing this, these people feel that the small child who has left the world remains there forever in the form of a tree. A child does not go away from his parents, even if God takes him away. The parents of the child start considering the tree as their own child.