Palm Rubbing: Rubbing both hands will improve your health, know why doing this is beneficial


Hand Massage Benefits: You may often rub the palms of both your hands, but do you know how beneficial it is for health, let us try to know the scientific reasons behind it.

Health Benefits Of Rubbing Palms:  Rubbing both hands is a common thing in winter season, but often you must have seen that if someone falls down due to dizziness or falls ill, then in such a situation the elders start rubbing the hands and feet of the patient, have you ever wondered what could be the scientific reason for doing this. By doing this the patient starts feeling better. Let us know from Dr. Imran Ahmed what benefits you can get by rubbing both the fingers of the hands.

Benefits of rubbing both hands

1. Blood circulation will increase

When we rub the palms of both hands, the blood circulation increases which gives energy to your body, which makes you feel good. Then you do not have any problem in doing other tasks of daily life.

2. Benefits to the eyes

Perhaps not everyone knows this, but rubbing both hands is beneficial for our eyes. Actually, the heat of the palms reduces the stress on the eyes. This increases blood circulation around the eyes, due to which tired eyes also feel relieved. For this, initially rub the hands slowly and then gradually increase its speed. When the hands become a little warm, then keep them on your eyes for 30 seconds. By doing this, not only will the brightness of the eyes increase, but the vision will also become sharper

3. Tension will go away

Rubbing hands is also very beneficial for our mental health because it calms the mind and relaxes it. By doing this, brain function remains fine. You start feeling positive. If you wake up early in the morning and do hand rubbing, it will relieve stress.

4. Beneficial in winters

In winters, your hands often become cold, and to get relief, you have to rub your palms repeatedly. Doing this generates heat not only in the hands but also in the body. In winters, due to the cold winds, fingers start feeling stiff, in such a situation, rubbing the hands activates the muscles and then the stiffness goes away.

(Disclaimer: Dear reader, thank you for reading this news. This news has been written only to make you aware. We have taken the help of home remedies and general information in writing this. If you read anything related to your health anywhere, then definitely consult a doctor before adopting it.