Pick Me Girl Trend: What is the Pick Me Girl trend that went viral on Twitter, how dangerous it is for women?


Pick Me Girl: In the last few years, many things are being talked about Pick Me, Girl. This trend is going on fiercely on Tik Tok. The Pick Me Girl trend also went viral in the name of Cool Girl. The only purpose of pick-me-girl is to attract the attention of men. This trend was especially seen in series like romantic comedies in the early 2000s. In simple words, according to this concept, girls show themselves in such a way that they are very different from other girls to impress boys.


How did it start
Let us tell you that this trend first started on Twitter with #TweeLikeAPickMe, which was used to make fun of women who especially considered themselves a wifey. In the year 2022, with #PickMeGirl, this trend again became very popular among the people. Not only this, it was viewed 2.2 billion times on Tik Tok.

Is it dangerous?
According to relationship experts, girls with pick-me behaviour show themselves better than others. He believes that boys will not find anyone else like him. The girls of Pick Me Behavior also keep their dressing sense the same, so that boys are attracted. But this trend is being considered dangerous. It is considered as a trap for women. This is because any woman who does not want to be like other women. This trend named Pick Me Girl creates a sense of negativity and competition among other women as well.

Put someone down
This trend of pick-me-girl is going to create confusion. According to the concept of this trend, to make other women feel less attractive in order to make themselves more attractive. In this whole concept, only the decisions of men depend on women. Women do everything possible to get his attention. There are many such stars including Addison Ray, Jennifer Lawrence and Kendall Jenner, who have been accused of pick-me-up behaviour.