Property Registry Documents: Before buying property, identify the real and fake registry documents...


Many times, vicious criminals cheat people by getting double registration of government land of the same land. To avoid such fraud, it is important that every person should know the difference between a real and fake registry.

Let us tell you that registry is a legal process in India. On the basis of which land is bought and sold. But during this time, some cunning people take advantage of the lack of understanding of the land buyer and commit fraud. Let us tell you what things should be kept in mind during registration so that fake registries can be easily detected.

Check real fake registry in this way
Usually, people only see the land registry and Khatauni documents, but this is not enough because by looking at these documents, it cannot be confirmed whether the seller of the land has ownership rights over the land or not. To avoid cases related to fraud in land registry, first of all, you should see the new and old registry of the land. If the person selling the land to you has purchased the land from someone else, does that person have the legal right to get the land registered? At the same time, you should get the Khatauni checked in and you can see the order in Khatauni.

Check 41-45 Consolidation Records
Many times the case of will or double registry is pending in the court. Therefore, whenever you buy land, check whether there is any case pending on it. Apart from this, consolidation records 41 and 45 should be seen, so that it can be known to which category this land belongs. Either this is not government land or it has not come in the name of the seller by mistake. The actual status of the land becomes clear from consolidation records 41 and 45 whether the land belongs to the government, forest department, or railways. This is the most important record of the land.

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