Quickly make corn flour at home with corn kernels, no need to bring it from the market


Food Desk: Corn flour is used in many dishes in our kitchen. Whether you want to make Manchurian balls, make Kebabs or Koftos crispy, corn flour is added to it, but this time instead of bringing corn flour from the market, why not make corn flour at home with maize kernels. Now you must be thinking that this will be a very tough task? So let us tell you that you can easily make corn flour from corn kernels at home. To make it you need-

A bowl of corn kernels
mixer jar for grinding

To make corn flour at home, first separate the corn kernels and soak these corn kernels in water for 2 to 4 hours.

- After 2 hours, when its grains become soft well, take out its water and filter it. Then put these corn kernels in a mixer jar and make a slurry by adding water little by little. Then filter this solution thoroughly.

After this, keep the solution of maize grains covered. By doing this, the starch of the corn floor will settle down and water will remain on top.

After some time, separate the water from the maize solution and take out the starch on a plate.

- You keep it in the sun for 1 to 2 days or dry it in the air. When it dries well, put it in a grinder and make a fine powder. Your corn starch or corn flour is ready. You can use it to crisp up kebabs or tikkis and store it for years.