Recipe- Fennel sherbet will keep you cool in summer, make it by following this recipe!


pc: lifeberrys

In the summer season, we make many efforts to keep our bodies cool. There is a risk of water deficiency in the body. In such a situation, it is important that we consume such things which keep us away from these problems. Some people rely on sugarcane juice, sattu or lemonade, while others prefer cold drinks. Today we are going to share the recipe for fennel sherbet. Fennel has a cooling effect, due to which it is very beneficial to consume it during summer. Its taste is unique. It is easy to make. So let's know about its recipe.


Fennel - 1/2 cup

Sugar - as per taste

Lemon juice - 2 teaspoons

Black salt - 1 teaspoon

Green food colour - a pinch

Ice cubes - 8-10

Salt - as per taste


-First of all, take fennel and wash and clean them thoroughly. Then soak the fennel in water for 2 hours.

- After the stipulated time, take out the fennel from the water and put it in a blender.

- Add sugar, black salt and water to it and grind it. Prepare a smooth juice.

-Now filter the fennel sherbet with a cloth and put the remaining fennel in the blender once again. Grind them

- then filter it again with a cloth. By following this process most of the juice will be released from the fennel seeds.

Then add a pinch of green food colour to the fennel sherbet.

-This step is optional; If you do not have green food colour then you can make fennel sherbet without it also.

Then add 2 spoons of lemon juice to the sherbet and mix well with a spoon.

- Now put the fennel sherbet in a glass and add ice cubes to it. Serve it chilled.