Recipe: Make Thandai Cheese Cake on Holi, know the recipe!



Holi celebration seems incomplete without Thandai. But this time if you want to try something new, then definitely try Chef Pankaj Bhadauria's Thandai Flavored Thandai Cheese Cake Recipe. It's easy to make and will be ready with ingredients you already have in your pantry. So this time instead of serving Thandai to your guests, feed them Thandai flavoured Paneer Cake.

Ingredients for Thandai Cheese Cake:

1/2 cup thandai masala

200 grams digestive biscuits

50 grams of melted butter

1/2 cup sugar

1/2 cup hung curd

100 grams paneer

2-3 drops of green food colour

200 grams of whipped cream

Thandai Cheese Cake Recipe:

-First of all, grind the digestive biscuits finely.

-Then set these biscuits in a cake jar by applying butter paper. Apply a six-inch layer of grinded biscuits and press it with the help of a glass to set it and keep it in the refrigerator for 15 minutes.

-In a mixer grinder, add 100 grams paneer, 1/2 cup curd, 1/2 cup powdered sugar, 1/2 cup thandai masala, a little cream and rose water and blend it.

-Now add 2-3 drops of green food colour to the prepared mixture and blend it.

-Add 4 cups whipped cream.

-Take out the set digestive biscuit layer from the refrigerator and spread this mixture well over it. Tap gently to spread the cream.

-Keep the tin in the freezer for seven to eight hours.

-Once set, take it out and serve.