Recipe- Make your day special with strawberry ice cream, note down the recipe!


pc: life berries

Eating ice cream in summer has its own unique pleasure. It is not only delicious in taste, but also provides relief from heat. You must have bought ice cream from outside many times to date and eaten it. Today we have brought you the recipe for strawberry ice cream. Its taste is amazing. So let's know about its recipe.


Chopped strawberries – 1 cup

Powdered sugar – 1/2 cup

Fresh cream – 3/4 cup

Cold milk – 1 cup

Lemon juice – 1/2 tsp


-Take a bowl and add chopped strawberries to it. Sprinkle powdered sugar on top.

-Mix strawberries and sugar well. Now put this mixture in an airtight container and keep it in the freezer for at least 5-6 hours.

- After the stipulated time, take out the mixture from the freezer, put it in the mixer and blend it until it becomes thick.

-Take out this thick paste in a bowl and grind it again.

-Once again put the mixture in an airtight container and put it back in the freezer.

- Keep it in the freezer for 5-6 hours so that the mixture sets like ice cream.

- After the stipulated time, check whether the ice cream has been set properly or not. If it is a little loose then keep it in the freezer for a while.

-When the ice cream freezes, take it out and serve. You can garnish it with tutti-frutti while serving.