Recipe of the day: Everyone will like sour-sweet mango panna, this is the recipe 


In the summer season, mangoes are seen everywhere in the market. Have you ever tasted the delicious sour-sweet mango panna made of raw mangoes. You will love its taste. Today we are going to tell you how to make Aam Panna at home. 

Essential ingredients:

- Ten raw mangoes

- Eight teaspoons of cumin powder

- Black salt 

- One teaspoon of black pepper

- Six hundred grams of sugar

- Fifty mint leaves

Make it in this way:

First, take out the pulp of the mango and boil it in a cup of water.

Now grind mango water, sugar, black salt, and mint leaves in the mixie.

Now you filter it 

Finally add black pepper, roasted cumin powder, ice cubes, and mint leaves and taste it. 

PC: tv9hindi