Recipe of the Day: Make delicious guava ice cream, this is the easy method 


Guava is very beneficial for our health during winter season. You might have tasted it as a fruit many times, but have you ever tasted its ice cream? Delicious ice cream can also be made from it. Today we are going to tell you how to make it easily at home.

Required Ingredients:

- Eight ripe guavas

- Four hundred ml cream

- Half cup icing sugar

- Two tablespoons vanilla extract

You can prepare it in this way:

First of all wash the guava thoroughly and grind it in a mixer.

Now put this paste in a vessel and keep it in the refrigerator for two to four hours.

After this, whip the cream until it swells.

Now add vanilla extract and icing sugar in it.

Now add guava paste to this mixture.

This is how your guava ice cream is made.

PC: lifeberry

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