Recipe of the Day: Make Kuttu Dahi Bhalla on the festival of Mahashivratri!


Ingredients required:

  • Eight hundred grams of buckwheat flour
  • four hundred grams of boiled potatoes
  • six hundred grams of fresh curd
  • two cups of refined oil
  • one spoon of black pepper powder
  • two spoons of roasted cumin powder
  • six spoons of sugar
  • two cups of pomegranate seeds
  • four spoons of rock salt
  • hundred grams of greens. coriander
  • twenty green chillies

You can prepare it in this way:

First of all, put buckwheat flour in a vessel, add potatoes, green chillies, green coriander and rock salt to it and make a mixture.

Now make the mixture and fry it in oil.

Now put them in cold water and keep them aside.

After this, beat curd in a vessel and add sugar, black pepper, cumin and rock salt to it.

Now take out the bhallas from the water and put them in the curd mixture.

Now taste them by adding some pomegranate seeds and rock salt.

PC: lifeberry