Recipe Tips: Make weekends special with Gujarati thepla, this is the easy method


Required Ingredients:

- Three bowls wheat flour

- Six spoons gram flour

- Three spoons green coriander 

- One spoon cumin powder

- One spoon asafoetida 

- One and a half spoon ginger

- Six spoons roasted sesame

- Six spoons coarsely ground coriander

- One and a half bowl fenugreek

- Three spoons green Chilli

- one spoon Sugar

- six spoons Oil

- Salt as per taste

You can prepare it in this way:

First of all, put wheat flour in a mixing bowl and add all the remaining ingredients in it.

Now knead it with the help of water.

After half an hour make parathas from this flour.

Now heat the pan and fry them well.

Thus Gujarat becomes Thepla.

PC: lifeberry

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