Relationship Tips: The new generation is bringing different types of dating and marriage trends as per their convenience!


What is friendship marriage: The new generation is bringing different types of dating and marriage trends as per their convenience. One of these is friendship marriage in which the couple neither has the tension of having children nor the responsibility of the house.

Friendship marriage is very trending among Japanese youth. The new generation has come up with the concept of friendship marriage as a break from traditional marriage to avoid children and household responsibilities. According to data shared by Colors, an agency specializing in friendship marriage, around 500 people have done friendship marriage since 2015. In this, the relationship between husband and wife is completely different from other marriages.

This marriage is based on a friendship completely different from that between spouses who are bound to stand together in each other's sorrows and joys. If you want to understand this marriage trend properly then read this article completely-

What is friendship marriage?

In friendship marriage, couples are legally married. But there is no emotional or physical attachment between them. These couples decide to live together based on mutual respect, values, expenses, emotional support, and stability. Couples may or may not choose to have a child together. In simple language, in this marriage, husband and wife are not life partners but only roommates.

These people are liking this trend very much

This trend is being liked a lot among high-earning people after 30 years of age. Apart from this, people who do not experience romantic or sexual attraction, include asexual and LGBTQ+ people. Inflation and job insecurity are also said to be other reasons behind friendship marriage becoming famous.

Specialty of friendship marriage

The ease of deciding whether to live together or apart, the option to have children through means such as adoption, supportive partnerships outside the constraints of traditional marriage, and ample time to discuss aspects of the future before marriage.