Sabja seeds disadvantages: - Know about the disadvantages of Sabja seeds


Sabja is also a plant of a species of Tulsi. It is also called sweet basil. You must be aware of the benefits of Sabja, but do you know about the harm caused by its excessive consumption? If not, then tell that vegetable seeds also cause a lot of damage. In today's article, we are going to tell you in detail about its disadvantages.

We have talked to our expert Dr Yogesh about this. Dr Yogesh works at NMCH, Patna. He has explained in detail some of the disadvantages caused by vegetable seeds. Let's know what the expert has said. Experts say that excessive consumption of vegetable seeds can prove to be fatal, especially for women.

Pregnant women

This can prove to be quite fatal for pregnant women. By consuming it, the hormone level called estrogen drops significantly. In such a situation, if you are also pregnant and consume Sabja seeds, then stop consuming them from now on.

Do not make spicy vegetable

If you also like to eat vegetable seeds by making them spicy or spicy, then you should not do so. By doing this, the essential properties present in vegetable seeds are destroyed. In such a situation, vegetables or any other thing should not be eaten mixed with vegetables.

Don't eat too many vegetables

Many people consume a drink made from sabja seeds twice a day. If you also do this then you should change this habit of yours. Immunity gets spoiled by eating more vegetables. In such a situation, you should consume vegetable seeds only about 1 to 2 times a week. This is not said by us but by our experts. 

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