Should you walk before or after freshening up? Know the right time to walk, which gives you full benefit.


Walking in the fresh morning air is beneficial for health but a question that often comes to people's mind is - is it necessary to freshen up before going for a walk or can one go later as well? The answer to this question is related to both health and science. Walking at the right time not only increases your energy but also provides many health benefits.

Walking in the fresh air of the morning is very beneficial for the body and mind. It not only boosts the energy for the whole day, but also gives mental peace, but one question that bothers many people is- is it necessary to freshen up before going for a walk in the morning or can we go later as well (Best Time To Walk)?

Many people believe that walking after freshening up makes the body feel lighter and it is more fun to walk, while some people have the habit of walking first and then freshening up. But in reality, what is the right way to detoxify the body properly and get the full benefit of the walk (Morning Walk benefits)? Let's know the science behind it, so that you can get the full benefit of your morning walk.

Benefits of walking in the morning

Morning walk is not just an exercise, but the easiest and most effective way to keep the body active. It increases your energy throughout the day and also gives many health benefits.

  • Better blood circulation: Walking improves oxygen and blood flow in the body, which keeps the heart healthy.
  • Speeds up metabolism: Morning walk increases the body's ability to burn fat, which helps in weight loss.
  • Improves mental health: Walking in the fresh air reduces stress, improves mood and improves brain function.
  • Boosts immunity: Regular walking strengthens the body's immune system, thus reducing illnesses.

But to get full benefits of these, it is necessary to adopt the right time and right method.

Is it necessary to freshen up before a walk?

The answer to this question completely depends on the person's routine and body habits, but if you want to take full advantage of walking, then some important things should be understood.

Benefits of freshening up and walking

  • When you take a fresh morning walk, your body feels lighter and walking becomes more comfortable.
  • The digestive system works better and problems like gas and constipation go away.
  • While walking, the possibility of any kind of discomfort or stomach ache is reduced.
  • The toxins present inside the body are eliminated, which further increases the effect of walking.

Disadvantages of walking without freshening up

  • You may feel heaviness or discomfort in the stomach while walking.
  • If the dirt present inside the body does not come out, then digestion can get affected, which can cause problems of gas and acidity.
  • Your attention and concentration may be affected, which will make you feel less like exercising.
  • If you start your day with a walk without freshening up, your body may not feel completely light, and thus you may not get the full benefit of the walk.

What is the right time for morning walk?

It is more beneficial to freshen up before a morning walk. When the body is light, one feels more energy while walking and the benefits of walking are also greater.

However, some people's body habits are such that they are not able to freshen up immediately. In such a situation, they can freshen up even after a light walk. However, if you want to set your body in the right way, then you can improve your digestion by trying some simple measures as soon as you wake up in the morning.

What to do if you have trouble getting fresh in the morning?

If you are not able to freshen up as soon as you wake up in the morning, then these solutions can help you.

  • Drink lukewarm water: Drinking a glass of lukewarm water as soon as you wake up in the morning activates the digestive system and helps in clearing the stomach quickly.
  • Do light stretching: By doing some light stretching exercises the body becomes active and the stomach gets cleared easily.
  • Take a fiber-rich diet: Include fiber-rich foods like fruits, green vegetables, and pulses in your dinner, which will make it easier to clear your stomach in the morning.
  • Do not eat heavy food before sleeping: Eating too much oily or spicy food at night can cause problems in clearing the stomach in the morning.

If you adopt these measures, you will be fresh early in the morning and ready for a walk.

What is the best way?

For better health, it is beneficial to freshen up before going for a morning walk. It makes the body feel light and doubles the benefits of the walk. However, if you have trouble freshening up early in the morning, then this can be done even after a light walk. The most important thing is that you understand your body and adopt what feels right for you.

Disclaimer: The advice and suggestions mentioned in the article are for general information purposes only and should not be taken as professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor if you have any questions or concerns.
