Skin Care: Skin will remain cool even in summer, just follow these skin care tips!


pc: tv9hindi

As summers start, our skin starts getting affected by strong sunlight, dust and sweat, which leads to pimples and dull skin. Sweat and stickiness also cause a lot of irritation, which can result in many skin-related problems. Here are some tips to help keep your skin cool and glowing even in the scorching heat.

Taking care of your skin in summer

Along with health, it is important to take care of the skin during the summer months. Before going out, we often think about how much damage the sun and dust can cause to our skin. Here are some tips to protect your skin from sun and dust during summer and keep it glowing.


Summer skincare

During summer, it is important to pay extra attention to your skin as it quickly loses its glow. Make sure to keep your face hydrated by applying moisturizer. Also, apply sunscreen at least 20 minutes before leaving the house. This ensures that the sunscreen gets absorbed well into the skin, preventing sweat and stickiness. Don't forget to cover your face with a cotton scarf before going out in the sun.

Use toner

Clean your face with a mild cleanser at least twice a day during summer. Don't forget to apply toner and moisturizer after cleansing. Remember to use oil-free toner during the summer. Clean your face before sleeping at night and apply toner before sleeping. Toner helps in cleansing your skin from within. Additionally, apply homemade face packs at least twice a week. By following these steps you can get flawless and glowing skin.

Things to keep in mind during summer skincare

Avoid including any kind of oily product in your summer skincare routine. Also, try to avoid heavy makeup in this season. Apart from skincare, make sure to drink an adequate amount of water and get at least 7-8 hours of sleep. Don't forget to include seasonal fruits in your diet.

By adopting these tips, you can maintain healthy and glowing skin even during the summer months.