Summer Tips: Follow these tips to avoid heatstroke!


  The temperature is rising across the country and the stormy heat continues. The scorching sun and heat are making life difficult for people. Heat wave alerts have also been issued in many states. 

The risk of dehydration and heatstroke is highest in summer. Therefore, exposure to sunlight should be avoided as much as possible. But in the summer season, health does not deteriorate only because of heat. Many times we unknowingly make some mistakes that cause us illness. 

Immediate consumption of cold things:

In summer it is tempting to eat cold water, things from the fridge, or ice cream, but do not make the mistake of eating these things after coming back from the sun. Because the body temperature has already increased due to extreme heat, in such a situation the body temperature starts changing suddenly by eating cold things which can worsen the health. 

Take a quick bath:

It is very enjoyable to take a bath in cold water in summer. The body starts feeling cool and fresh. But if you take a bath immediately after coming out from the sun, it may spoil your health. In such a situation, the body should be allowed to cool to a normal temperature before bathing.

sitting in front of the AC or cooler

Sitting in the cool air of AC or cooler after coming back from the sun may seem very relaxing, but this mistake can also cost you dearly. Sudden temperature changes can cause problems like colds, cough, and allergies. In such a situation, it is important to stay in the fan for some time after the arrival of sunlight until the body becomes normal.

Eating heavy meals:

It is difficult to digest heavy and fried food in summer, especially when you are returning after spending time in the scorching sun. In such a situation, eat light and nutritious food, which includes fruits, vegetables, and curd. This will make you feel full and digestion will also be good.