The Bombay High Court recently allowed a 19-year-old woman who was 25 weeks pregnant to have an abortion!


The Bombay High Court recently allowed a 19-year-old woman who was 25 weeks pregnant to have an abortion. This case highlights the problems and potential risks of late abortion.

The Bombay High Court recently allowed a 19-year-old woman who was 25 weeks pregnant to have an abortion. In this case, the woman had cited 'serious psychological impact' and 'social stigma'. However, this case also highlights the problems and potential risks of late abortion.

The decision to have an abortion is a very personal one, but it is important that women are aware of the potential risks associated with the procedure, especially in the case of late-term abortions. Let us understand some of the potential risks of late-term abortions in detail.

Physical problems

Late abortions require a surgical procedure, which can be more difficult. As the size of the uterus increases, the risk of excessive bleeding during the procedure increases. Apart from this, the risk of infection is also higher.

Incomplete abortion

In some cases, the abortion process may remain incomplete, which may require extra medical help later. At the same time, in late abortion, more cramps and pain may be experienced than in early abortion.

Mental health

The decision to have an abortion is emotionally difficult. In the case of a late abortion, the woman has experienced the pregnancy for a longer period of time than before, which can lead to more emotional turmoil and feelings of regret.

Future pregnancy problems

In some cases, late abortion can damage the cervix, which may cause problems in conceiving a pregnancy in the future.

It is important to note that every abortion experience is different and not all women who have a late abortion experience these risks. However, it is important to be aware and consult a doctor. The doctor can explain the safety and risks of late abortion by assessing the