Thumb Personality: Know the personality of a person through the thumb, it will reveal all the secrets


Thumb Personality: The thumb can be long or short. While a long thumb is a symbol of intelligence and prudence, a short thumb indicates haste. To measure the length of the thumb, the thumb should be pressed on the palm and compared with the joints of the index finger.

Thumb Personality: The thumb is the most important among the fingers of the hand, the thumb is as important in the hand as the spine is in the body. The thumb helps in reading or knowing about the character of a person. The thumb peels off the layers of the future like the peel of an onion and exposes them.

Predicting the future by thumb

To predict the future of the thumb, one should pay attention to the shape, measurement, thickness, length, thumb joint, thumb tip, etc. of the thumb. The thumb can be long or short. While a long thumb is a symbol of intelligence and prudence, a short thumb indicates haste. To measure the length of the thumb, the thumb should be pressed on the palm and compared with the joints of the index finger. If the thumb is below the base of the index finger, then the thumb should be considered short.

How is your thumb

If the thumb touches the third joint of the index finger then it should be considered of equal length and if the thumb touches the second joint of the index finger then it should be considered long. The thumb gives information about willpower and reasoning power.

The first part of the thumb which is also called the first joint or knuckle is considered to be the center of willpower and the second part which is called the second joint or knuckle is considered to be the center of reasoning power. If the first joint of a person is long then his willpower will be very strong. He cannot work under anyone and does not listen to anyone easily. He is stubborn.

If the second joint of the thumb is bigger than the first, then a person with such a thumb argues or debates a lot everywhere. By nature, he tries to interfere unnecessarily everywhere and tries his best to defeat others with his logic. Such people argue more and do less work.

If the first and second knuckles of the thumb are almost equal, then the person takes every step thoughtfully. Such people neither cheat anyone nor get cheated easily. Such people are calm and are civilized, cultured, and occupy high positions.

What does your thumb say?

If a person talks by pressing his thumb between his fingers, then it should be understood that he lacks self-confidence and self-reliance.

If the thumb is straight, smooth, high, round, bent towards the right, and its knuckles are well joined and equal, then such a person is rich.

People whose thumb is not bent backward but is straight and hard, are idealists and do not make friends easily.