Vastu Tips: Do not plant these trees and plants in your house even by mistake, otherwise you will become poor!



Worship of trees and plants is a common practice in Hinduism. Planting a Tulsi plant at home is considered auspicious. Trees and plants not only enhance the beauty of the home environment but also bring positivity to life. However, according to Vastu, some trees and plants are considered to have negative effects. Planting some trees and plants in the house is considered inauspicious, as it is believed that it adversely affects the financial condition and health of the family members. Let us learn about some of these trees and plants.

Avoid planting trees inside the house:

Peepal tree:

In the Hindu religion, the Peepal tree is revered and worshipped every Saturday. However, according to Vastu, Peepal tree should not be planted inside the house. Cutting a Peepal tree is also considered inauspicious, so if one unknowingly grows inside the house, it should be taken and planted in a temple or any other holy place. It is believed that having a Peepal tree inside the house can cause financial problems.

Date palm tree:

Planting a date palm tree inside the house is considered inauspicious in Vastu. Although the date palm is attractive to look at, it is believed that keeping it indoors may bring financial obstacles. If someone wants to plant a date palm then he is advised to plant it in an open place outside the house.

pc: Housing

Tamarind tree:

Like other trees, the tamarind tree is also not advised to be planted inside the house as per Vastu. It is believed that the presence of tamarind trees within the house can bring negative energy and affect the well-being of the family members.

Thorny plants:

According to Vastu, planting thorny plants inside the house should be avoided. Thorny plants are believed to bring negative energy due to their thorny nature and create discord among family members. It is advisable to plant such trees in open spaces away from the main living area.