Why should water not be offered to Shivalinga in the evening? Know here!


pc: tv9hindi

In the Hindu religion, all the devotees perform special worship and rituals of Lord Shiva every Monday. On Monday, there is a crowd of devotees for worship in all the Shiva temples across the country. In every temple, there is a special ritual of offering water and milk on Shiva Linga. But do you know what happens if water is offered to Shiva Linga in the evening and is it considered auspicious or inauspicious? Today we will give you information about this.

According to mythology, if any mistake or wrongdoing is made during the worship of Lord Shiva, then the full results of the worship are not achieved. Worshipping Lord Mahadev, the king of gods, every Monday opens the doors to the fulfillment of people's wishes. According to Shiva Purana, whenever you offer water to Shivalinga, you should never stand facing the wrong direction. Pouring water towards the south or east is considered inauspicious. It is considered auspicious for the devotees of Shiva to offer water while facing north, it is believed that Goddess Parvati resides on the left side of Lord Bholenath.

Do not pour water while standing

. According to mythological beliefs, whenever you offer water to Shiva Linga in the evening, do so while sitting comfortably and reciting mantras. If you pour water while standing, its effect is not achieved. Therefore, it is considered good to offer water to Shiva Linga from a copper pot only. -Never offer water on Shivling from a vessel made of iron. Copper utensils are considered the most auspicious among the utensils used for worship.

Do not offer water in the evening.

According to Shiva Purana, offering water to Shiva Linga in the evening is considered inauspicious. Offering water to Shiva Linga between 5 am to 11 am is considered auspicious. Whenever you perform Jalabhishek to Lord Shiva, do not mix any other substance in the water. By doing this people are not able to get the full results of the puja.

Do not pour water from the conch

. According to mythology, Lord Shiva once killed a demon named Shankhachuda and the conch is made from the bones of the same demon. Apart from this, while offering water to Shiva Lingam, keep in mind that the stream of water is not broken and it is considered good to offer water simultaneously. Because if the stream of water breaks during Jalabhishek then people are not able to get the full results of the puja.