You will get the account of every beat of the heart, know what is a wearable heart monitor?


Wearable Heart Monitor: If there is any problem in the heart, its first effect is seen in its beating speed. In such a situation, technology like wearable heart monitors can play an important role in its diagnosis. 


American researchers on Monday gave information about a new technology that records every beat of the heart. Its most special feature is that it can be worn. 

However, despite this new technology, there has been no reduction in the number of hospitalizations due to stroke. This study has been done by the Duke Clinical Research Institute in North Carolina, USA and its findings have been published in the 'Journal of the American College of Cardiology'.

what is study 

The researchers included nearly 12,000 patients in the study who were at least 70 years old and had no history of atrial fibrillation (AF). Atrial fibrillation is an irregular heartbeat that often leads to stroke and other heart problems. During the study, half of the patients were monitored for 14 days via a heart rate monitor, while the others were provided with usual care.


After follow-up, the research showed that patients wearing heart monitors were 52 percent more likely to be diagnosed with atrial fibrillation. However, no significant reduction was seen in the number of hospitalizations due to stroke. The team from the Duke Clinical Research Institute said that the heart monitor improved the diagnosis of atrial fibrillation, but it did not have a direct impact on reducing stroke cases.

Features of the heart monitor 

This monitor has sensors that track the speed of the heart or pulse. This feature is also available in smartwatches and can monitor heart beat during exercise, measure stress levels and alert about potential health problems. However, experts say that these devices are useful only for general monitoring and cannot be a substitute for more accurate medical devices. Researchers at the Duke Clinical Research Institute said that the purpose of this study was to understand the effectiveness of heart monitors and to find out whether these devices can help in the early detection of  atrial fibrillation .

Opinion of experts

Dr Alok Mishra, lead cardiologist, said, "This study shows that heart monitors can help diagnose atrial fibrillation, but their role in reducing the risk of complications such as stroke may be limited." He added that it is important that these devices are used in conjunction with medical consultation and other tests.