For how many days should one avoid sexual relations after delivery?


Physical intimacy is important between married couples. Sexual relationship is an important part of any couple's life. There are many questions related to intimacy that come to the mind of any married couple. But, they hesitate to talk about it. After delivery, there can be many questions about sexual relations again. Of course, after pregnancy and delivery, physical intimacy should be avoided for some time. But, it is also important to know when a couple can start sexual relations again. During pregnancy and after delivery, many hormonal changes occur in the body of women. In such a situation, after delivery, it becomes important to take care of many things before physical intimacy. After the birth of the child, intimacy is affected and in such a situation the relationship of the couple is also affected. In such a situation, it is important to know how much time a couple should wait for sexual relations after delivery. We talked to the doctor about this and tried to find answers to these questions. Dr. Aditi Bedi is giving information about this. She is a consultant gynecologist and obstetrician.

For how long should one avoid sexual relations after delivery? (How Soon Can You Have Sexual Relations after having a baby)

  • Experts say that after delivery, any couple should avoid sexual relations for at least 4 to 6 weeks.
  • If you want to wait longer or you're just not ready for intimacy yet, then you should wait a little longer.
  • After delivery, the vagina is very sensitive and weak. In such a situation, being intimate before 6 weeks can have a bad effect on women's health.

  • After delivery, women may experience pain in physical relations for the first time. Therefore, it becomes necessary to take a little more care.
  • Women experience vaginal bleeding and discharge for a few weeks after the birth of the child. In such a situation, sexual relations should be avoided.
  • Be sure to consult your doctor before having sexual relations again. If your delivery was not normal or there were any complications, your doctor may advise you to wait longer.

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