Is oral sexual intercourse safe? Know about 5 myths related to intimacy


Any question related to sexual wellness can make many people hesitate. Sexual wellness depends a lot on our knowledge and hygiene and if we do not get proper information about it, then these questions take the form of our myths. We all have heard some kind of sex myth. Especially for teenagers, this world is very new and unique and during this time, if any myth gets into their mind, then it can cause a lot of harm to their sexual life.

Some myths are not disturbing, but there are some which can not only spread diseases but these myths can also create a perception about sexual relations. In such a situation, people take more risks than necessary. Along with sexual satisfaction, safety is also very important and should be taken care of.

Lap surgeon and gynecologist Dr Garima Srivastava MD (MRCOG (UK)) has shared information related to this on Instagram. She talked about the myths that most people believe.

Myth: Oral sex does not cause STDs

There is no truth in this myth. Indeed, you cannot get pregnant through oral sex, but that does not mean that an oral sexual encounter cannot spread any kind of infection. Many times it happens that a person does not even know that he has an infection. Medical tests are always needed to find out.

Dangerous infections like HIV can also be transferred through body fluids. Even if someone is not having vaginal sexual intercourse, problems like STDs can occur through oral sex. This is why it is always recommended to wear a condom for this. Apart from this, it is also very important to take care of the hygiene of the genital area so that the possibility of any kind of infection can be prevented.

Myth: Toilet seats can transmit STDs

Using a public toilet feels very bad and for women it becomes another kind of struggle where they have to squat on the toilet seat. But doctors believe that this is not necessary. According to Dr. Garima Srivastava, any kind of STD cannot be caused by the toilet seat.

This is because most disease-causing germs remain on the seat for a very short time and your vaginal opening does not come in direct contact with the seat. Yes, if there is a cut or wound on any part of the body, then the bacteria can enter the body. However, the chances of getting an STD from a toilet seat are very low.

Myth- Pregnancy can be prevented by pull out method

According to Dr. Garima, this is completely false and it is not possible. Pulling out is not a safe method and even if a few drops come in contact with the female genitals before ejaculation, it can lead to pregnancy. Therefore, the safest way to prevent pregnancy is protection.

Myth- Real-life experience is also like real-life

Pornographic films largely work on fantasy and this does not mean that the story is true. According to Dr. Garima, this is wrong and no one should set their fantasy by watching porn. It can break your expectations.

Myth - Sexual encounters during periods do not lead to pregnancy

Many people believe this myth to be true. According to science, there is less chance of a woman getting pregnant during her periods, but the possibility of it always remains. According to research, a man's sperm can live in a woman's body for up to 5 days. In such a situation, if a woman has sex till the end of the period cycle or ovulation occurs early in her body, then it is possible that she gets pregnant and the body uses the surviving sperm. Therefore, it is advised that under no circumstances should one have a sexual encounter without protection.

If you are facing any kind of sexual problem, consult a doctor and do not believe anything you hear.

PC: Herzindagi