
Man ordered laptop worth Rs 1 lakh from Amazon, lost his senses when he opened the box!


Rohan wanted to buy a new laptop and thought he had found a good deal of Rs 1 lakh on Amazon. But the package he received did not contain anything as per his expectations. Instead of getting a new laptop, he got a used laptop.

While shopping online, a customer named Rohan Das got cheated which made him very angry. Rohan wanted to buy a new laptop and thought he had found a good deal of Rs 1 lakh on Amazon. But the package he received did not contain anything as per his expectations. Instead of getting a new laptop, he got a used laptop.

This is how I got cheated

The laptop he found was not brand new. He was cheated. Rohan had ordered a Lenovo laptop from Amazon on April 30, which he received on May 7. But when he went to Lenovo's website and checked the warranty, he came to know that this warranty had started in December 2023. This means that the laptop they found was already used. Angered by this, Rohan made a video on social media platform X and told everyone about his problem. This video went viral very fast.

Showed anger by making a video

Rohan expressed his anger in the video. He felt very bad that he was given a used laptop at full price. In the video, he warned people to think a hundred times before buying anything from Amazon. He said that it should not happen that you too get cheated like him.

This video of Rohan "I was cheated by Amazon!" There was a lot of discussion and people supported him. Many people advised him in the comments to file a case in the court. He said that he should go to the consumer court lodge a complaint and try to get his money back.

This answer came

After Rohan's video went viral, Amazon also responded in this matter. He apologized and requested Rohan to provide more information so that he could fix the problem. Some people even said that they should contact Lenovo directly. But Rohan said that Lenovo's team has replied that they keep the manufacturing date in their database, but the warranty starts from the time the customer buys the laptop.