Amazon: Where is Project PI currently being used?


Amazon AI Feature: While shopping online, has it ever happened to you that the goods delivered to you turned out to be defective? Have you ever received a defective product or clothes of the wrong size? Now Amazon is using a special Artificial Intelligence (AI) tool to reduce such mistakes. The name of this tool is Project PI. In this, PI means "Private Investigator". It works exactly like a detective and detects any kind of defect by scanning the goods. Let us tell you about it in detail. 

Dharmesh Mehta, Vice President, Worldwide Selling Partner Services, Amazon, said, "By using AI and product imaging across our operations facilities, we are able to identify defective items early. This not only benefits customers but also sellers and the environment."

How does Project PI work?

Project PI uses two types of AI technology. These include generative AI and computer vision. This technology can identify damaged or under-packaged items, items of the wrong color or the wrong size. All this is known before it reaches the customer. Not only this, it is not limited to just reporting the problem. Project PI also finds out why the defect occurred. This helps Amazon prevent future mistakes. When an item is scanned by Project PI, Amazon employees decide whether that item can be sold at a slightly lower price, donated or used in some other way.

Where is Project PI currently being used?

Currently, this technology is being used in America. It is expected to be used in more places by the end of 2024. Amazon's Vice President of Worldwide Sustainability, Kara Hurst, says that "AI is helping to ensure that we not only make customers happy by giving them good things, but it also benefits the environment. This will prevent less-than-perfect goods from leaving our warehouse. This will also reduce pollution caused by transportation, packaging and returns." Apart from this, Amazon also states that it is using another special AI system to find out the reason for the problems faced by customers.