Do phone professional cleaning with these 5 steps!


If the smartphone gets too dirty then it becomes a big problem. You can also get it cleaned by a professional. However, if you want, you can clean it at home as well, that too in a professional style, for this today we are going to give you some great tips. By following these tips, you can make your smartphone shine.

Smartphone Cleaning Tips: If the smartphone gets too dirty then it becomes a big problem. You can also get it cleaned by a professional. However, if you want, you can clean it at home as well, that too in a professional style, for this today we are going to give you some great tips. By following these tips, you can make your smartphone shine.

1. Nowadays, there is a special wiper available to clean the display, which not only shines your smartphone display but also cleans every part of it thoroughly.     

2. You should never use a toothpick or any sharp metal object to clean the charging port and audio port as this can cause internal damage inside the smartphone. If you want, you can clean it with the help of cotton buds. 

3. To clean the rear panel of the smartphone thoroughly, you can use alcohol-based cleaners, this does not cause any problem in the rear part but you have to keep the amount of cleaner very less. 

4. If you want to clean the microphone of your smartphone, then a mini vacuum cleaner is available in the market which sucks up dust and dirt. This vacuum cleaner can be purchased at a very affordable price. 

5. If you want to polish the display of your smartphone, then you should only use a microfiber cloth for this, it is usually used to clean glasses kept at home. In such a situation, the display can be polished well by using it.