Google vs Meta: Which company is best for employees? The person working inside openly told


Google vs Meta: Which company is best for employees? The person working inside openly told

Google vs Meta: Ever wondered what it would be like to work at Meta, the parent company of Google and Facebook? An employee, who has worked in both companies, has narrated his experiences through a blog. Both companies work in similar fields, sell online advertisements, and manufacture many products for the use of common people. But, this employee has pointed out the differences in the working environment and management style of these two big technology companies.

How to work in Meta

Meta Company has been described as a fast-paced environment where innovation is encouraged and new ideas are quickly adopted. However, due to this rapidly changing environment, there is some stress and pressure on the employees because they are under pressure to live up to the expectations and perform well.

Google does not make changes quickly

Google, on the other hand, has been described as a more stable environment, where projects can last longer and there is no pressure to change quickly. Although this helps employees maintain security and balance work and personal life, it may reduce the pace of innovation and the habit of taking risks.

Which has more transparency?

Transparency was another thing in which the two companies differed. Meta has been described as a company where transparency is high, that is, information is disclosed openly, and employees are held accountable for their work. Google, on the other hand, has been described as a bit secretive, where important information is often given through email and chat, making it difficult for employees to stay informed about changes happening in the company.

Where can I express my opinion openly?

There is also a difference in the environment of openly giving opinions and disagreeing in both companies. Meta has been described as a truth-seeking company, where dissent is encouraged. This brings openness, but quiet people may also feel a little uncomfortable. On the other hand, Google has been described as a company with a calm environment, where employees avoid confrontation. This creates a collaborative environment but may slow down the pace of learning new things and moving forward.

Where do you get quick progress?

There is also a difference between leadership style and paths of progress. Meta has been described as a company where advancement is achieved quickly based on merit, especially young employees who get more opportunities for advancement. On the other hand, Google has been described as a company that takes more time for promotion, where promotions are often given on a "first come, first served" basis, due to which the pace of career becomes a bit slow.

Which company is best for employees?

To sum it all up, even though both Meta and Google provide opportunities for growth and learning new things, the choice depends on your choice of how you want to balance work and personal life, and how to grow. And what kind of company environment do you want?