QR Code Scam: Scanning a QR code can empty your account, know how scams are happening!


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Cyber ​​fraudsters adopt many tricks to cheat people. According to cyber security companies, these cyber criminals send phishing links to trick people. Through this, they commit fraud. The trend of online shopping has increased in the last few years. Many people search on Google to easily buy goods at cheap and affordable prices. There are many online shopping platforms. Some reputed and some unknown platforms come up. Messages for purchasing goods online also come through Telegram and WhatsApp. After purchasing an item, a QR code is sent to e-mail or WhatsApp for online payment. They are asked to scan it and after this people are cheated.

How does this scam happen?

Customers are lured with good returns and gifts. QR codes are encoded phishing links and scam pages. When users scan these codes, they become victims of fraud. When a user enters the password after scanning the QR code, his personal information is stolen. It has also come to light that many scammers are pasting such QR codes at shops and other places.

Beware of bait

As soon as the code is scanned, the customer's mobile gets hacked. Mobile data goes to hackers. Mobile photos and your personal information can also be misused. In some cases, blackmailing has also taken place. These cyber robbers can also download malware on mobile.

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What is a phishing attack?

In this kind of scam, you are quite clever. Some people tempt the consumer to immediately follow the instructions to purchase the item. Once he scans this QR code, his breath stops. He hacks the mobile and withdraws money from the bank account. It is coming to light that this scam is being done through WhatsApp, Telegram and email.

PC: Agro Haryana

Stay alert

You need to be constantly alert in the maze of the Internet. You have to take care of many things. You cannot trust blindly. If a message comes to scan the QR code, then definitely scan it. If any such email is received then it can be dangerous. Don't fall into any temptation. Don't rush to pay. Otherwise, one wrong step on your part may cause financial loss to you.