Tech Tips: You will get the features of Whatsapp before launch, you just have to do this work!


pc: amarujala

You also know that WhatsApp is the world's largest multimedia messaging app. WhatsApp tests many features every month and then releases them for everyone. Beta users test any feature before its launch. In this report, we will tell you about the process of becoming a beta user. let's find out.

First of all, you need to go to the Google Play Store on your Android phone and search for WhatsApp. Now after installing WhatsApp, scroll down to the page in Play Store, where you will get the option to become a beta user or click here to become a beta tester.

Now you have to click on BECOME TESTER and wait for a while. After some time, you will start seeing You're a beta tester for this app on the WhatsApp search below.

pc: amarujala

You have now become a beta user. Keep updating your WhatsApp from time to time. You will be the first to get new features. You can also leave the beta users group whenever you want.

There is another way to use the new features of WhatsApp. For this, you will have to download the beta version of WhatsApp. After downloading the app, go to Become a Beta Tester section, tap on the Im In button and click on Join. After the process is completed, your WhatsApp will be updated to the beta version.