You will be able to watch these videos in picture mode in Whatsapp, this amazing feature is coming!


pc: abplive

WhatsApp keeps bringing many features from time to time. Now we will inform you about a new feature which is quite special. Actually, WhatsApp is developing a new video viewing feature, in which the facility to watch videos in picture-in-picture mode will be available.

WABetaInfo has given information about the new feature of WhatsApp, stating that WhatsApp is working on a new feature where videos can be viewed in picture-in-picture mode. Currently, this feature is being worked on.

pc: abplive

The report says that users will soon be able to watch videos shared directly in chats in different picture modes. Users will be able to watch videos in a floating window while using WhatsApp.

Previously, when users clicked on a shared video while using WhatsApp, it would open in full screen, making it difficult for users to use the app. The upcoming version of the picture-in-picture feature will provide a different experience to the users.

pc: abplive

In simple words, you will be able to chat and switch between apps while watching videos. This feature has been spotted in the iOS update, which is available on the TestFlight app.

This feature is currently in the development phase and is expected to be rolled out to all users on Android and iOS in the coming days.