Beware of fake KYC update links, this is how scams are happening!



If you also receive a message with a link to update your KYC details, think carefully before doing anything. Nowadays, scams are being perpetrated under the guise of KYC updates, so it is important to understand these points before proceeding further.

Scams send links to bank customers through SMS or email. Upon clicking these links, customers are redirected to a fraudulent website and attempt to steal bank account information.

Keep in mind that banks never send links to update KYC details. Therefore, if someone claims to be a bank official and asks for personal details, avoid providing any information and avoid associating with such fraudulent persons.


Avoid sharing your mobile and personal data with anyone. Scammers may ask for an Aadhaar number, bank details or even an OTP number received on a mobile phone, but doing so is risky. Avoid telling your personal information to anyone.

Try to update your KYC details only through your bank's official website or original app. Any other method may be a case of fraud. Use strong passwords and two-factor authentication for your bank account.


If you become a victim of fraud then report it to the nearest police station. Provide information about cybercrime on Additionally, you can dial 1930 for online financial fraud cases.