Government Scheme: You can get good returns by investing your retirement money in this scheme. 


Today we are going to give you information about this small savings scheme of the Central Government, in which senior citizens are being given higher interest rates than the FD rates of banks on investment. Today we are going to tell you about the Senior Citizen Savings Scheme.

This scheme has been started especially for senior citizens. Senior citizens can get an interest rate of 8.2 per cent by investing in the savings scheme. Such interest rates are not available even in the FDs of many banks. You can start investing in Senior Citizen Savings Scheme with a minimum of Rs 1,000.

A maximum of Rs 30 lakh can be invested in this scheme. The investor gets a lock-in period of five years for investing in the scheme. You can get good returns by investing your retirement money in Senior Citizen Savings Scheme.

PC: outlookhindi