Garuda Purana reveals the secrets of suicide and premature death, what happens to the soul?


Garuda Purana is a very important text of Hinduism, in which detailed information is given about life and the world after death. This Purana not only tells about the fruits of a person's good and bad deeds, but also about the rebirth and salvation of the soul. Garuda Purana mentions very deep secrets especially about suicide. Here we know about some important things related to suicide and its consequences.

Man's life is the result of hard penance

According to Garuda Purana, man's life is the result of hard penance, which gives him the opportunity to be born on earth. When someone commits suicide, it not only harms his soul, but also makes the seven cycles of his life incomplete. Garuda Purana states that the completion of the seven cycles of life is necessary. When these cycles are completed, only then does the person get salvation. But if someone commits suicide, then all his seven cycles remain incomplete and he has to face premature death. This death occurs prematurely and the soul's birth cycle also remains incomplete. The types of death caused by suicide are also mentioned in the Garuda Purana. It states that dying of hunger, falling prey to violence, hanging oneself, dying in fire, dying from snake bite, or committing suicide by drinking poison, all come under the category of premature death. Suicide is considered to be an instantaneous death in this way, which ends a person's life cycle soon.

Suicide is placed in the category of sin

It is clearly stated in the Garuda Purana that committing suicide is a serious sin. According to this text, a person's life on earth is obtained with great difficulty, and this life is a gift from God. Therefore, when a person ends his life himself, it is considered a violation of God's will. A person who commits suicide increases his sins by ending his life himself and has to face the tortures of hell. According to Garuda Purana, a person who commits suicide is sent to 13 different places, which are determined according to their sins. This person is sent to one of those 7 hells and there he has to suffer pain and suffering for about 60,000 years. These hells are determined according to their sins, where they face physical sufferings as a soul.

The state of the soul of a suicide

Garuda Purana also gives deep information about the state of the soul of a person who commits suicide. When someone commits suicide, his soul does not go to the afterlife immediately. Usually souls get another body within 3 to 40 days, but the souls of those who commit suicide keep wandering for a long time. Such souls can neither go to heaven nor to hell, but keep wandering between the world and the afterlife. These souls have no stable abode and face constant dissatisfaction and suffering. They are always restless about their death and life's struggles, sorrows, and love. Such wandering souls are also called "Pishachas" in Garuda Purana, who remain stuck between life and death and do not get peace. These wandering souls suffer a lot due to their suicide and it may take them a long time to get peace.

Other serious things related to suicide

It is also said in Garuda Purana that by committing suicide, a person may have to suffer in the next birth as well. Facing difficulties in life is a necessary process for every person, because these difficulties lead him to the path of self-realization and salvation. If someone commits suicide, he is unable to complete this process, and it also affects his next birth. It is clear from Garuda Purana that suicide is not only a sin, but the condition after it is also very sad. It leaves the seven cycles of a person's life incomplete and he has to face torture for countless years. Therefore, the struggles of life should be faced with courage and patience. Do not think of suicide under any circumstances, because understanding life and walking on the right path is the purpose of human life.

PC:Punjab Kesari

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