Women Cuts Lips and Ears: Here the definition of beauty is different, women's lips and ears are cut off as soon as they become young

Women Cuts Lips and Ears: People do a lot of things for beauty, some do makeup, and some do something else. But there is a place in this world where people cut their lips and ears for beauty.
Women Cuts Lips And Ears: Everyone in the world has a different definition of beauty. Some want to look beautiful by applying makeup, while some consider themselves very beautiful without makeup. Beauty means a lot to women. They make themselves look beautiful by applying lipstick, makeup and wearing all kinds of jewellery, but what if the lips and ears of women are cut off. What will be the definition of beauty then? You must be thinking what are we talking about, because there is a tribe in Africa where this happens.
Traditions are weird
There are different types of people living in the world. Everyone has different customs and traditions. But you have hardly heard of a person who cuts his lips and ears. The Mursi tribe of Ethiopia in Africa is an example of this, where the lips and ears of girls are cut as soon as they become adults. The tribe, which lives away from the glitz of the city, is known all over the world for its unique fashion. In this article, we are going to introduce you to such a tribe.
How do women apply discs to their lips?
While women in cities enhance the beauty of their lips by applying lipstick, girls in the Mursi tribe make their lips beautiful by hanging them. In this tribe, it is believed that the girl who has more hanging lips, the more beautiful she will be. This fashion of theirs is not easy. The process of hanging the lower lips is very painful. As soon as girls become adults, a hole is made in their lower lips. A disc is slowly inserted in it. With time, the size of this disc keeps on increasing. This makes the lips hang. This process is so painful, yet the women of this tribe are ready to bear the pain. Similarly, the lower part of their ears is also cut off.
What is the history of this practice
Actually, in earlier times, people of this tribe were often taken as slaves. Men were used for labour, while women were used as sex slaves. In such a situation, women started becoming ugly to protect themselves. They broke their teeth and hid their beauty by wearing discs. In this way, they were successful in avoiding the evil eyes of people.
Source : youtube