Aadhar card Update: If you want to avoid fraud then do this small work in Aadhar card, you will immediately know where it is being used.

By linking Aadhaar card to email, you will get every information related to its use. This way no one will be able to misuse your Aadhaar.
Do this small work in Aadhar card, you will immediately know where it is being used, you will be saved from fraud.
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How to make Aadhaar secure: Aadhaar card is a very important document. It contains all your biometric information. In such a situation, if it falls into wrong hands, its use can cause great harm to you. Many times your Aadhaar card is misused behind your back and you do not even know. If you want to avoid this then you can save yourself by doing a small thing. You can link your Aadhar card with your email ID.
Linking your Aadhaar with your email ID will give you the advantage that whenever someone accesses your Aadhaar, you will get information about him. This will save you from unknowingly becoming a participant in any crime. Also, there will be no fraud of any kind with your bank account.
According to UIDAI, if you want to link your Aadhaar with your email ID, you will have to visit your nearest Aadhaar centre. Nowadays you will find Aadhaar centers in every city. All types of operations related to Aadhaar are done at these centres. You can complete the work of Aadhaar linking through email by visiting these centres. However, people whose Aadhaar card is new will not need it as their Aadhaar will already be linked to the email. But people who have old Aadhaar may need it. Once the email ID is linked, no one can misuse your Aadhar card.
You should always keep your Aadhaar updated. If your home address has changed, you can update it online only. But for this it is necessary to link your mobile number with Aadhaar. If your mobile number is not linked to Aadhaar then you can update it by visiting the Aadhaar centre. If your mobile number is updated then your address can be updated online sitting at home. For this you will have to go to the official website of Aadhaar and give the requested information. For this you may have to pay some fees.