Government Recruitment: Recruitment for 1377 posts in Navodaya Vidyalaya, 10th pass can also apply


Navodaya Vidyalaya has issued direct recruitment for 1377 Staff Nurse, ASO, Translator, Assistant, Stenographer, MTS, Supervisor, Junior Secretariat Assistant JSA, Electrician and other posts. 10th, 12th and graduate pass can apply for this recruitment.

Recruitment Details: 

Total Posts: 1377

Post Name: Staff Nurse, ASO, Translator, Assistant, Stenographer, MTS, Supervisor, Junior Secretariat Assistant JSA, Electrician & Other Posts

Last Date to Apply: April 30, 2024

Age: Candidate age should be between 18 to 35 years. Get complete information from notification. 

Educational Qualification: 10th, 12th and Graduation. 

Apply this way: You can apply after getting complete information from the notification. 

Selection will be done as follows: Candidates will be selected as per rules.

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